Spoon-Blade Oar Project
Handcrafted Oars specifically made for your own boat and rowing style.
Tom Regan, the BoatShop’s Community Boat Restoration Program leader, crafted these oars of his design for decade’s prior to closing Grapeview Point Boatworks. Now he’s asking Gig Harbor BoatShop to carry on the tradition and training volunteers in the art of oar making.
The BoatShop Oars are made of vertical-grain Sitka Spruce, the finest oarmaking wood available. The blades have a true “spoon” shape, being concave along the length and width of the blade. The blade tips are protected with fiberglass to prevent splitting. We counter-weight the hollow grips to balance the oars, a technique of the past which is rarely done today. After applying six coats of spar varnish, the leathers are sewn on by hand.
Currently In Stock Sitka Spruce Spoon Blade Oars: Please call (253) 857-9344 or email info@gigharborboatshop.org to inquire about purchasing in stock oars.
1 pair of 7.5’ Oars
1 pair of 8’ Oars
Please Fill out the Form Below to Begin your Custom Oar Ordering Process:
-Once your form is submitted we will reach out to you directly in order to get all the details needed to ensure your custom oars are the best fit for you.-
For more information please contact Gig Harbor BoatShop
(253) 857-9344 info@gigharborboatshop.org