Volunteer at the BoatShop
If you would like to work with other people who share your love for boats and the traditions of the working waterfront, become a Gig Harbor BoatShop volunteer!
Gig Harbor BoatShop relies on the hard work and dedication of volunteers. Volunteers contribute to the BoatShop’s mission by maintaining our unique collection of classic boats and by helping to maintain the historic Eddon Boatyard. BoatShop staff members need help with BoatShop program and event preparation, and there’s a need for docents that can share the Eddon Boatyard and Gig Harbor BoatShop story with boatyard visitors.
New volunteers will be asked to attend a Volunteer Orientation. Additional training may be required for specific volunteer assignments. If you’re interested please fill out an application and email it to info@gigharborboatshop.org
Marine Railways
The BoatShop is breaking ground on the next phase of the marine railways project. We need volunteers to assist with installation in 2021.
Docents/Tour Guides
Docents conduct guided tours of the Eddon Boatyard. They provide a brief history of the Eddon Boatyard and the Gig Harbor BoatShop, offer explanations of our programs, tour the boatyard, and describe our current projects.
Facility Maintenance Projects
The Eddon Boatyard, a 70-year-old waterfront facility requires continual attention. Numerous facility maintenance and upgrade projects are planned or currently underway. Opportunities exist for those with excellent “handyman” skills, as well as for those with minimal hands-on skills.
Boat Restoration & Maintenance
Our existing fleet of restored livery and programming boats requires maintenance. This is an opportunity to work with our project leaders, our resident boatwright, and other volunteers to learn and apply boat maintenance skills.
Volunteers assist with BoatShop events such as our annual fundraising auction and concerts at the boatyard. Activities include cleaning, setting up, serving refreshments and breaking-down after the event is over.
We have volunteer opportunities in retail, marketing, fundraising, and other administrative areas.