Tuesday Boatyard & Equipment Maintenance
with master craftsman Dave Shultz
Help master craftsman Dave maintain the Historic Eddon Boatyard and Gig Harbor BoatShop’s wide array of Equipment.
The Gig Harbor BoatShop is constantly working to maintain the Eddon Boatyard and take care of BoatShop tools and equipment. With expert help from Dave and his group of volunteers we continue to make improvements and do the maintenance that allows the BoatShop to operate efficiently and effectively for our community. Join Dave on Tuesdays and help him maintain the boatyard facility and the shipwright’s tools that allows for Gig Harbor BoatShop to deliver our array of unique maritime program and events.
2025 Maintanence with Dave Opportunities
For more information please contact Gig Harbor BoatShop
(253) 857-9344 info@gigharborboatshop.org